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Self-Assessment and Personality Tests

University of Missouri Career Interest Game - The RIASEC model for personality testing

Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) SAMPLE - 38 question personality test; results are based on the Enneagram model

Personality Pathways - 4 question test based on Myers Briggs Personality Test

HumanMetrics Jung Typology Test - 72 questions, with two expert interpretations of results

Similar Minds - Many personality tests, but a good one is the 50 question Enneagram test

Similar Minds - Favored careers for each of the 16 personality types

TypeFocus Personality Test - 66 questions

Career Quizzes

Princeton Review Career Quiz - 24 question career test

Jobsetc Data, People, Things Quiz - 4 question quiz

Jobsetc Work Preference Quiz - 50 question quiz with list of job suggestions

Jobsetc Work Values Quiz - 33 question quiz

Jobsetc Style of Thinking Quiz - 60 question quiz

Jobsetc Learning Styles Quiz - 24 question quiz

My Plan - Values test is free, registration is required

My Future’s Career Toolbox Work Interest Quiz - 60-question work interest quiz results in suggested civilian and military occupations

LiveCareer - 100-question career interest test takes 25 minutes; registration is required

CareerPerfect Quick Work Preference Inventory - This 24-question quick inventory is free, but others are fee-based

Canada Prospects Career Plan - Fill out open-ended questions and get a printout of the summary

Career Focus 2000 Interest Inventory -Check off activities that are of interest out of a 180-item checklist 

Career Link Inventory - A report on your aptitudes, interests, temperaments, and physical capacities 

Assess Your Skills:

TOWES Measure Up Skills Test - Test of Workplace Essential Skills (TOWES), tests your numeracy, document use, and reading

University of Minnesota Career Services Skills Assessment  - Take the skills assessment and discover your rankings in five broad skill areas

iSEEK Skills Assessment - Assessment measures 98 skills

Jobsetc Employability Skills Checklist - Rate yourself against the skills employers say are needed in today’s workplace

Jobsetc Abilities Quiz - 39 question quiz about your abilities, with list of job suggestions