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Statement of Policy

Hartford Public Library strives to maintain a welcoming environment for all individuals using the Library; to ensure Library customers can use Library resources and services free from interference or disruption; and to ensure that library staff can effectively conduct the business of the Library.

Solicitation, advertising, promotion, vending, peddling, product sampling or promotion of a for-profit entity’s goods and services that are not planned and/or sponsored by HPL (Hartford Public Library) are not permitted on Hartford Public Library property. Hartford Public Library does not generally sponsor nor endorse fundraising activities of other organizations or support products, services, persons, or groups that are not related to library services or from established HPL partners.

 The Library retains the right at its sole discretion to periodically cooperate with local community charitable groups or service clubs to support community endeavors. Limited staff fund raising activities may be permitted with prior approval from the CEO or her designee; those activities shall be limited to nonpublic staff areas only.

Hartford Public Library offers a limited public forum for free speech activities. The Library recognizes the presentation of petitions and the distribution of literature by individuals and groups as a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment. However, when doing so individuals will not impede or hinder those entering, exiting and/or using Library facilities.

Petitions and/or leaflets are permitted on public sidewalks. Activities such as collecting signatures or distributing leaflets on Library property and the patio areas of Library buildings or inside Library buildings are not permitted.

Petitioners shall not block, hinder, interfere, or otherwise impede individuals access to or from Library buildings and shall not coerce, harass, or intimidate individuals into signing a petition or accepting leaflets.

Those exercising their free speech rights irrespective of content may not engage in activities that violate the Library’s Code of Conduct. Violations may result in the suspension or revocation of the right to utilize library property.