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HPL Restore & Renew

From left to right: Hartford Public Library Board Chair David Barrett, Hartford City Councilwoman Marilyn Rossetti, Mayor Luke Bronin, Hartford Public Library President and CEO Bridget E. Quinn and Capital Community College CEO Duncan Harris at a press event to announce the HPL Restore & Renew campaign to raise money to pay for repairs and restorations to the Downtown Library, as well as costs associated with relocating programming and classes that may not covered by insurance.

We appreciate everyone who has reached out asking how they can support Hartford Public Library after the Downtown Library suffered significant water damage due to a burst pipe on Christmas Eve. We are pleased to announce the launch of the HPL Restore & Renew campaign to help cover any repairs or restorations to the Downtown Library that may not be covered by insurance. While there is insurance to cover costs associated with cleanup and repair, we anticipate there may be additional costs that will not be covered.

Click above or below to donate, and check back for more information. We are grateful for your support. Please contact Director of Donor Relations Gilda Roncari at or 860-695-6296 with questions.

Click here to donate to HPL Restore & Renew

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